Spreading the fame of Christ Jesus with medical service

Our work with a leprosy community in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Ethiopia 2024
Andrea and Garth recently returned from their trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They are thankful that Jenny Stultz, Micayla Darrach, and Jennie Arsenault joined them.
Through the Agape Coffee Roaster project, FAME Canada has maintained a close relationship with the Alert Hospital. The hospital administration identified an educational resource gap to support local midwifery training. To address this gap, FAME Canada received donations to purchase four birthing simulators.
These simulators are specifically designated for midwifery training and skill development. Micayla Darrach RN and Jenny Stultz RN provided six training workshops to over 40 midwives at the Alert Hospital in Addis Ababa. The simulators were gratefully received and will serve as an important educational resource for the Alert Hospital nurses and midwives. Notably, there are approximately 700 births per month at the Alert Hospital.
Garth and Andrea had the pleasure of meeting with 79 men and women from the leprosy association at the Alert Hospital. These individuals have paid 3000 burr (60.00 US) to become members of the Agape Coffee Cooperative. Their joy and appreciation were palpable as they greeted us with warmth and heartfelt “A-ma-seg-gen-nello” (thank you).
These leprosy survivors believe that their new businesses, selling roasted coffee beans, will be life-changing, and the improved financial security will positively impact their overall health.
Additionally, Andrea, Garth, Micayla, and Jenny traveled to Burayu, a small village on the edge of Addis Ababa. This village is where Marion and Jim Harris (from Beacon East Charity) have established several projects, including a water well. The FAME Canada team had the opportunity to teach infection prevention techniques to a group of local women from the Burayu area. The training covered proper handwashing techniques, recognizing signs and symptoms of infection, proper cleaning, and bandaging, and creating pastes using aloe and turmeric for burns, as well as turmeric and honey for open wounds. The teaching session was met with gratitude, and the women who attended had a prayer time before and after the session.
At the conclusion of the trip, the FAME Canada team held a meeting with the Alert Hospital CEO, administration, and the Agape Coffee Cooperative board and staff. The Alert Hospital expressed deep gratitude for their partnership with FAME Canada, and they discussed future projects aimed at improving quality, safety, and health outcomes for patients at the Alert Hospital.